CianeWiki -> International -> _ENCA

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18 May 2008

Les délégués de neuf pays européens, membres de l'European Network of Childbirth Associations (_ENCA) (réseau européen des associations autour de la naissance) se sont rassemblés en Pologne pour échanger sur la situation de la naissance. Ils ont été étonnés d'apprendre que les taux de césariennes atteignent 60% dans certains hôpitaux polonais. Beverley Beech, présidente de l'Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (_AIMS) (Royaume-Uni), réagit aux propos du Professeur Debski parus dans Newsweek Polska (18 Mai 2008) qui précente l'augmentation des césariennes comme un tendance inéluctable en Pologne : "l'OMS indique qu'un taux de césarienne supérieur à 10% n'améliore pas la santé des mères et des bébés. Les déclaration de cet obstétricien, qui affirme que le taux déjà indécemment élevés de césariennes en Pologne ne peut que s'accroître, ne fait que refléter le mépris arrogant qu'a ce professeur pour la santé des mères et des bébés. [...]

L'affirmation de la dangerosité de la naissance naturelle par rapport à la césarienne n'est pas fondée sur des preuves. De plus, moins d'une femme sur cinq accouche de façon normale dans les hôpitaux polonais. De fait, les médecins voient rarement des naissances normales [...]

ENCA Press release

18 May 2008

Delegates from nine European countries and members of the European Network of Childbirth Associations (_ENCA) met in Poland to discuss maternity care and hear about childbirth in Poland. They were shocked to hear that the Polish caesarean section rate has reached 60% in some hospitals. Commenting on the statement in Newsweek Polska (18th May 2008) by Professor Debski that increased caesarean section is a trend that is inevitable in Poland. Beverley Beech, Chair of the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (_AIMS) (UK) commented: ‘The WHO states that there is no health improvement for mother and baby when caesareans exceed 10%. That an obstetrician has the audacity to claim that the already outrageously high caesarean section rate in Poland will increase further is a reflection of the professor's arrogant disregard of the health of women and babies. Instead of claiming further rises he should be hanging his head in shame.

The claim that natural birth is more dangerous than caesareans is not supported by the evidence. Furthermore, as fewer than 1 in 5 women have normal births in Polish hospitals and the doctors, therefore, rarely see a normal birth they cannot make any claims for safety or otherwise'.

The _ENCA delegates were puzzled by the claim that the national caesarean rate in Poland (28,8%) is less than in the rest of Europe because most of the countries represented at the _ENCA meeting have lower caesarean section rates, which their governments are seeking to lower, as they recognize the damage these additional caesarean sections cause.

Some women are ‘choosing' a caesarean either because they had a traumatic birth in hospital before or because they believe the unsubstantiated horror stories spread by doctors and the media.

The delegates were disappointed to note that Polish hospitals fail to publish statistics of their birth interventions and thereby conceal the fact that very few women indeed have a normal birth without interventions.

Contact: Beverley Beech\\0044 (0)20 8390 9534

Modif. June 12, 2008, at 12:44 AM<br />(:addThis username="xa-4b5388e32c732dfe" btn="lg-share":)